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Any good interview questions to ask prospective Junior java developers? [closed]

Does anyone have a good interview question to ask prospective junior java developers? They will have a two year minimum experience requirement. The questions will be on a written test and they will have five to ten minutes to answer each question. Limit to one interview question per response for voting purposes please.

Getting A File"s Mime Type In Java

I was just wondering how most people fetch a mime type from a file in Java? So far I've tried two utils: JMimeMagic & Mime-Util. The first gave me memory exceptions, the second doesn't close its streams off properly. I was just wondering if anyone else had a method/library that they used and worked correctly?

Size of a byte in memory - Java

I have heard mixed opinions over the amount of memory that a byte takes up in a java program. I am aware you can store no more than +127 in a java byte, and the documentation says that a byte is only 8 bits but here I am told that it actually takes up the same amount of memory as an int, and therefore is just a Type that helps in code comprehension and not efficiency. Can anyone clear this up, and would this be an implementation specific issue?

what is JMS good for?

I'm looking for (simple) examples of problems for which JMS is a good solution, and also reasons why JMS is a good solution in these cases. In the past I've simply used the database as a means of passing messages from A to B when the message cannot necessarily be processed by B immediately. A hypothetical example of such a system is where all newly registered users should be sent a welcome e-mail within 24 hours of registration. For the sake of argument, assume the DB does not record the time when each user registered, but instead a reference (foreign key) to each new user is stored in the pending_email table. The e-mail sender job runs once every 24 hours, sends an e-mail to all the users in this table, then deletes all the pending_email records. This seems like the kind of problem for which JMS should be used, but it's not clear to me what benefit JMS would have over the approach I've described. One advantage of the DB approach is that the messages are persisten