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How to programmatic segue from one UIViewController to another without Modal or Push?

If one UIViewController is a login screen, and the next one is the app's home screen, what would be the most optimal way to program the transition. I figure the modal segue class is inappropriate for this situation since ideally the transition to the home screen would be permanent, not temporary. But Push didn't make any sense either, since the login screen isn't a Navigation controller, and that isn't the functionality I'm looking for anyway. What would be the best way approach this specific case? Thanks!

DETECT Speaking Language- iPhone

I can covert the speech that a user spokes to text using Open ears (see ). But How i could detect the language which the user speaks is English, french, chinese etc... Is there any method to understand in which language the user speaks? How can i check this.? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Can I play any thing with this - (NSError *) generateLanguageModelFromArray:(NSArray *)languageModelArray withFilesNamed:(NSString *)fileName;

Can anybody help me in understanding the concept of File Owner in xcode

I am unable to get the concept of File owner in xcode. Whenever I am using a ViewContoller then i specify my viewcontoller file(say MyViewController) as the file owner in the xib. Is this because i am connecting my IBOutlets in the MyViewController to the xib? But if this is the case while creating the app in the main window why we specify UIApplication as the File owner. So i guess it may not be related to the IBOutlets concpet. Even when i am customising the UITableViewCell I am using its file owner as the NSObject andthe file where i am conectingthe IBOutlets as its type. So i ma not clear what file should i specify as the File owner for a xib? Please Help. Thanks in advance

Using EventStore, can I create a new iCal calendary type?

So in my app I rely heavily on iCal, and I can add events using EventStore, but only to the "defaultCalendarForNewEvents". I want to make a new calendar just for the events I create in the app, let's say MyApp calendar, which would behave much like the iCal calendars like "Home", "Work", etc. Is there a way to do this progamatically? Right now, I've tried this: EKEventStore *eventStore = [[EKEventStore alloc] init]; NSArray *calendars = [eventStore calendars]; BOOL calendarHasBeenInitialized = NO; for(NSCalendar *cal in calendars) { if([cal.calendarIdentifier isEqualToString:@"Workout Tracker"]) { calendarHasBeenInitialized = YES; } } if(!calendarHasBeenInitialized) { NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Workout Tracker"]; NSCalendar *workoutCalendar = (__bridge NSCalendar *)(CFCalendarCreateWithIdentifier(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, (__bridge CFStringRef)string)); EKCalendar

Implementing a tableview with multiple labels inside a cell

The tableview I am implementing is a kind of phonebook, where I have an entry(name) and below that I am displaying his/her phone numbers. These data make my cell. An entry(name) can have multiple phone numbers(each phone number displayed in different lines). Against each phone number(in the same line) I have an option to set some status message. How can I implement this. The way I have gone forward is: I have created a 2 labels inside a cell. One for displaying the name and the other for displaying the numbers. These numbers are displayed in a multiline way. The problem I am facing is, adding the status message against each phone number(in the same row of each number). For that I may have to add the status as text in between the phone numbers(displayed in a multiline way) in the same label or I have to add another label inside this label. I am a bit confused regarding, how to go about this. Need help.