The Mystery In exploring precisely which characters were permitted in Java identifiers, I have stumbled upon something so extremely curious that it seems nearly certain to be a bug. I’d expected to find that Java identifiers conformed to the requirement that they start with characters that have the Unicode property ID_Start and are followed by those with the property ID_Continue , with an exception granted for leading underscores and for dollar signs. That did not prove to be the case, and what I found is at extreme variance with that or any other idea of a normal identifier that I have heard of. Short Demo Consider the following demonstration proving that an ASCII ESC character (octal 033) is permitted in Java identifiers: $ perl -le 'print qq(public class escape { public static void main(String argv[]) { String var_\033 = "i am escape: \033"; System.out.println(var_\033); }})' > $ javac $ java escape | cat -v i am escape: ^[ ...
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