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Showing posts with the label Tips For Programmer

Trying to fix line-endings with git filter-branch, but having no luck

I have been bitten by the windows/linux line-ending issue with git. It seems, via github, msysgit, and other sources, that the best solution is to have your local repos set to use linux-style line endings, but set core.autocrlf to true. Unfortunately, I didn't do this early enough, so now every time I pull changes the line endings are borked.

Request Monitoring in Chrome

In Firefox, I use Firebug which allows me to view every http request my ajax calls are making. I've switched over my development to Chrome and am liking it so far. My only complaint, however, is that the developer tools don't seem to allow you to view each ajax request. I've had it happen once where the Resources panel showed multiple requests to the same resource, but it's only done it once and never again.

What "additional configuration" is necessary to reference a .NET 2.0 mixed mode assembly in a .NET 4.0 project?

I have a project in which I'd like to use some of the .NET 4.0 features but a core requirement is that I can use the System.Data.SQLite framework which is compiled against 2.X. I see mention of this being possible such as the accepted answer here but I don't see how to actually achieve this.

UIView doesn"t resize to full screen when hiding the nav bar & tab bar

I have an app that has a tab bar & nav bar for normal interaction. One of my screens is a large portion of text, so I allow the user to tap to go full screen (sort of like